Don't Worry Be Happy!
Life will throw at you all sorts of stuff, but this really is a good life! Let’s live the good life and…
1. Be grateful for what we have asking ourselves often, “Really, what’s there to complain about?”
2. Leave the past in the past! I used to say every day we can start our life again, but really every moment we can start again!
3. Stay in the pres...ent and enjoy the moments of life!
4. Don't worry be happy! Love, dance, laugh and enjoy life! Wake up every day excited about your life! If you’re not happy, ask yourself why and be brave enough to make necessary changes!
5. Trust in God always! Stop thinking and start trusting! Do what you can do and leave the rest to God! Remember that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! So Worry less!
6. Keep reminding yourself, “This really is the good life!”
7. Forgive quickly and often! Thoughts of unforgiveness make us have a really bad life!
8. Pursue the dreams God has placed in your heart! Don’t listen to what anyone else has to say, but focus on what your heart is telling you! There are no limits to what we can accomplish!
9. Problems will come our way, but that’s just the universe growing us up to become stronger and wiser! When they come our way, be tough and say, “Bring it on! I can handle this!” Stay at peace asking, “What can I learn from this?” taking life one moment at a time!
10. Be grateful for what we have asking ourselves often, “Really, what’s there to complain about?”
Think about it? Someone always has it worst than you.
Be Blessed Love, Extravagantly & Trust In God!
By B.Y.D.
Life will throw at you all sorts of stuff, but this really is a good life! Let’s live the good life and…
1. Be grateful for what we have asking ourselves often, “Really, what’s there to complain about?”
2. Leave the past in the past! I used to say every day we can start our life again, but really every moment we can start again!
3. Stay in the pres...ent and enjoy the moments of life!
4. Don't worry be happy! Love, dance, laugh and enjoy life! Wake up every day excited about your life! If you’re not happy, ask yourself why and be brave enough to make necessary changes!
5. Trust in God always! Stop thinking and start trusting! Do what you can do and leave the rest to God! Remember that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD! So Worry less!
6. Keep reminding yourself, “This really is the good life!”
7. Forgive quickly and often! Thoughts of unforgiveness make us have a really bad life!
8. Pursue the dreams God has placed in your heart! Don’t listen to what anyone else has to say, but focus on what your heart is telling you! There are no limits to what we can accomplish!
9. Problems will come our way, but that’s just the universe growing us up to become stronger and wiser! When they come our way, be tough and say, “Bring it on! I can handle this!” Stay at peace asking, “What can I learn from this?” taking life one moment at a time!
10. Be grateful for what we have asking ourselves often, “Really, what’s there to complain about?”
Think about it? Someone always has it worst than you.
Be Blessed Love, Extravagantly & Trust In God!
By B.Y.D.
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