Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Kids on Easter April 2012

 Nyjhia coloring Eggs
 Nyhjia & kijani
The Colored Easter Eggs
 Nyjhia Holing an Egg

Easter  Egg Hunt @ OUR CHURCH 

The Kings Herb Garden

 Tommy and Tilik are planting Basil & Oreango for Our HERB GARDEN  Her@ Blanda Place

 here the seed will rest till grown up and be palced in there garden of LOVE
 Tilik stands hold there seed planted seed in a Herb Pot
 Here Jaden stands holding his plantrd seeds in a herb Pot
  Tilki is Book scraping letters & numbers
 the Garden the  KINGS DIG UP for there Herb Garden
fencing in the Garden  Tommy & Tilk after planting there HERBS